» Character Exercise - You can use this practice to begin learning to type. The following are some of the app's primary features: » In percentage terms, how accurate is your typing? ( percent ) The following information is included in the typing speed practice lessons: To type in that language, you must first install the language-specific keyboard.

With the help of this program, you may learn to type faster or play typing games for fun. To help you focus on typing, letters are highlighted. The software includes a large number of free typing lessons with options such as hard, medium, and easy typing to help you practice typing online and learn to type. Find out how quickly you can type by learning to type. Typing Speed Test (WPM) Typer Master is a great tool for testing and measuring a user's typing speed. Typing Speed Test (WPM) Typer Master loads on a new tab to allow you to exercise whenever you want Meter evaluates your typing abilities and produces exercises just for you. Typing Speed Test (WPM) Typer Master is a full-featured touch typing trainer with a real-time analyzing feature.